This page is a one stop shop for your community’s Safe Routes To School plan. Below you will find information on what it’s all about, three ways to provide your ideas, and fun and interactive activities for your family.
Ensuring SRTS Programs benefit all demographic groups with special attention to low-income students, students of color, students of all genders and abilities, and others.
Activities to involve and engage students, parents, and community members in conversations about walking and biking to school.
Events, activities, and programs that generate interest and enthusiasm for walking and biking to school.
Classes and activities that teach pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic safety skills and the benefits of walking and biking.
Physical improvements to streets
and neighborhoods to make walking
and biking more comfortable, and
more convenient.
Evaluating projects and programs of each of the other five “E’s” to determine which programs and projects are most effective.
Have questions or looking for additional materials? Let us know how we can help! Tom Holmes at [email protected]
Si usted necesita esta información en español:
Brenda Morales, 763-315-8466
Yog xav tau kev pab, thov hu rau 763-424-8000 lawv mam li nrhiav ib tus neeg txhais lus rau koj.
If you need this information in another language or alternative format:
Josie Shardlow, 763-493-8388 or [email protected]
MnDOT Safe Routes to School Planning is a project of MnDOT.
This webpage was developed by Zan Associates in partnership with Alta Planning + Design.
395 John Ireland Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155-1800