Safe Routes To School Programs

Bike Rodeo

Bike Rodeo classes are great tools for educating and encouraging families to ride bicycles. Education trainings can cover safety checks, skills instruction, basic bike maintenance, how to carry kids by bicycle, cargo bike demonstrations, bike rodeos, and/or guided bike rides.

Target Audience
Elementary, caregiver

Event, skills training/hands on training, information for caregivers

Increased bicycling, improved bicycling safety behavior
Understanding of health and environmental connections

Discussion Questions
Have you ever participated in a bike rodeo?
Are biking safety/instruction currently covered in the school curriculum?
Are there existing programs or meetings in the school or the community which might be suitable to host this type
of program?
What resources have you used to talk with kids about biking safety?

Contact Us

Have questions or looking for additional materials? Let us know how we can help! Linda Spohr at [email protected]


MnDOT Safe Routes to School Planning is a project of MnDOT.
This webpage was developed by Zan Associates in partnership with  Alta Planning + Design.

395 John Ireland Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155-1800