Safe Routes To School Programs

Crossing Guards

Image of a parent and children walking past a crossing guard at an intersection.

Crossing Guards are trained supervisors, paid or volunteer, who are legally empowered to stop traffic to assist students with crossing the street. Similarly, the School Safety Patrol program trains students to help their peers with traffic safety. Crossing guards and student safety patrollers both help keep students safe from traffic.

Target Audience
Elementary, middle school, caregivers, neighbors

Skills training/hands on training, school journey/pick-up and drop-off

Improved walking/bicycling safety behavior, improved driving safety behavior
Increased walking and biking

Discussion Questions
Are there crossing guards at your school?
Would you be more likely to allow your student to walk or bike to school if there were crossing guards?
Would you or someone you know be willing to participate in a crossing guard program?

Contact Us

Have questions or looking for additional materials? Let us know how we can help! Linda Spohr at [email protected]


MnDOT Safe Routes to School Planning is a project of MnDOT.
This webpage was developed by Zan Associates in partnership with  Alta Planning + Design.

395 John Ireland Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155-1800